Abby’s Bio

Hello! I am Abby Scoresby, a high school English teacher in Bryan, Texas. I have been a swim coach for five years, and I love helping young people as they work hard to achieve their athletic goals. I received my B.A. in English Education from Brigham Young University. It was at BYU where I first was introduced to sports pedagogy. I grew up spending almost every family dinner talking about college football, the NBA, and March Madness. I have also loved reading for as long as I can remember. I was thrilled to learn about the intersections between these two subjects that I love. At BYU, I conducted research with female athletes, where we met weekly to discuss sports literature. I found that sports literature exposed these student-athletes to books in a way they had never experienced, and it made me want to find more ways to share sports literacy with students. I continued my education at Wake Forest University where I received my M.A.Ed. in English Education, graduating in 2021. During my time at Wake Forest, I began collaborating with Dr. Alan Brown on his sports literacy blog. There, I continued my research in sports literacy pedagogy by teaching analysis through a study of sports journalism. My experiences have made me passionate about finding ways to bring students’ extracurricular passions into the English classroom. I currently live in Texas with my husband, Kade.